Sunday 8th of January we held our Flitch 12 hour event, this is a very low key timed event, originally designed as a last minute qualifier for those who want to enter Spartathlon and other events that require specific time and distances covered to enter. However it has evolved into a small low key event for those who wish to see how far they can go in 12 hours or just test their fitness at the start of the year.
It’s a simple no frills race, no medal or T-Shirt so it’s cheap at only £35. This year was the first time we had an indoor start at Rayne Village Hall. It was probably a good thing we did as it was biblical weather at times.
The route is very simple, 5km out and 5km back on a flat disused old railway line. A fast runnable course with good underfoot conditions apart from a few puddles if it’s wet. 10km loops with every loop timed and splits provided. As many loops as you can complete in the 12 hours. We use a 12 hour limit because one of the Spartathlon qualifying criteria requires you to be able to run more than 120km in the 12 hours.

The race runs from 7am to 7pm to get the most of the light in the short winter days. You generally only need a head torch for the first and last lap or maybe the last 2 depending on pace. The weather can range from around freezing to double figures, wet or dry but it’s a fairly sheltered route with trees lining both sides so reasonably protected from the wind.
Every lap runners had a checkpoint in the Hall and access to their own bags and food with some space to themselves.

We had 27 signed up and on the day 16 starters.
Chris Taylor
Karl Baxter
Michael Spencer
Neil Catley
Colin Jess
Dominic Osman-Allu
Charlotte Smith
Peter Newton
Dan Miller
Kunal Yadav
Kerry Taylor
Richard Cranswick
Simon Bennett
Arthur Brooks
Gary Jackets
Nina Smith
A few of these were friends or previous runners with a few newcomers, a few were trying for Spartathlon Qualifiers and the rest just out to start the year off testing their fitness and seeing how far they might go.
It was clear Early on that Karl Baxter, Simon Bennett and Chris Taylor were all going for a Spartathlon time as they went off at a strong pace running sub 10mm for each loop. A few others were trying for targets from 80-100km. They were all very consistent till lap 4 when Simon started to drop off the pace and decided to stop a lap later when it was clear he was not going to be able to maintain the necessary pace.
Karl started to find the 10mm pace hard safter 4 laps also and from lap 5 he was outside 1 hour for each 10km lap. He finished up with 100k mrather than the 120km. Still a pretty fine effort.
Chris was steady as a rock and eventually overtook Karl around lap 5 or 6 and never looked back with only 3 laps over the hour and only by a maximum of a minute or so. He picked it up towards the end again with some support from his other half to complete the 120km target with about 5 minutes to spare. Top effort Chris.
Michael Spencer also had a great steady run with 100km completed. He looked strong and steady all the way.
Neil Cately also had a good strong run falling just short of his 100km target, 90km is still a pretty good effort though and he should be pleased with that. Being a bad boy Running member he had some press ups to do at the end.
Colin Jess had a good day out with a total of 80km completed
Dominic Osman-Allu also completed 80km
Charlotte Smith also cracked out a steady 80km and was the woman with the furthest distance.
Peter Newton cracked his target of 80km and dragged his mate Dan along for the ride who also did 80km which was a pretty good result considering he had only run a max of 20 miles before the race!
Kunal Yadav smashed out 70km and was still smiling at the end.
Kerry Taylor smashed out 60km but was not so smiley at the end, I think the rain and hail battered her a bit but she ran well and should be pleased.
Rich Cranswick also did 60km on his chicken legs and good to see him back at it.
Arthur Brooks did 50k and at 70 years old that’s pretty impressive.
Gary Jackets also did 50km as a good leg stretch before going away on holiday somewhere hot the next day.
Nina Smith had a good day and did 40km in between naps!
For full results including splits and pace info please go to:
Despite the terrible rain and short burst of hail most of the runners seemed to have a good day.
Now we have a good building we will step up our game next year for this event, we will still keep it low key at a Max of 50 runners but add trophies for furthest Male and Female plus a Medal. With a T-Shirt as an option. This will drive the price up a little to around 50 but it means we can continue to have the event starting at an indoor venue which is better for the runners and volunteers.
Entries will open in a few days once we confirm the booking for next year wit the hall.
As always feel free to comment and share.