The St Peter’s Way is 42 miles of footpath meandering through the historic countryside of Essex in an easterly direction towards the coast, from Chipping Ongar to the ancient chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall at Bradwell on Sea. An ancient pilgrimage route dating back to the 7th century littered with historic churches and scenic countryside. Some sections of which are listed in the Doomsday Book from 1085.

February 22nd 2026 – Start 8:30am
Entries open now – Entries close 2 weeks before the race date.
Registration and Kit Check opens 7am
Briefing 8:10am
Start 8:30am
CP1 Cut Off time 11am – Approximately 7.9 miles total ( 2hours 30mins )
CP2 Cut Off time 13:15pm – Approximately 15.8 miles total ( 4hours 45mins )
CP3 Cut Off time 4pm – Approximately 25.4 miles total ( 7hours 30mins )
CP4 Cut Off time 7pm – Approximately 34 miles total ( 10hours 30mins )
Finish Cut Off time 9pm – Approximately 43 miles total ( 12.5hours )
Finish Bus Timings – 3:30pm, 6pm and 8:30pm. – These timings are fixed and if you miss one you have to wait for the next bus, if the bus is full already you must wait for the next one as we fill it in order of finishing.
Depending on numbers of entrants closer to the event we may change the timing of these busses if fewer or more are needed.
Start Location – The Pleasance public car park, High Street, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9AB
Registration is in the Budworth Hall, opposite the start car park.
Finish Location – The Chapel of St Peter on the wall, East End Road, Bradwell on Sea, Essex – There is no postcode and the nearest postcode takes you to the wrong place so use google maps or just follow East End road until it runs out and you will see signs for the Chapel.
Route Conditions
The route is a mixture of muddy trails, fields and rural tracks and roads with the final section being on raised sea wall. It can be very exposed in places and if wet can be very muddy. There are some hills but it’s mostly rolling countryside and very runnable. The Last few miles to the finish can be cold, wet and windy.
More detailed Route Info further down this page.
There are 4 checkpoints along the way. Each will be stocked with similar food, coke, water, squash, sweet and savory foods including vegan and veggie options. If you have specific dietary needs please be sure to list them when you enter or message us before the race so we can plan for them. There will be nuts and nut based products handled at checkpoints.
CP1 – Opposite Viper Pub, Mill green, CM4 0PT – small local car park.
CP2 – Small green opposite Three Compasses Pub, West Hanningfield, CM28UQ – do not obstruct the pub car park, please park on the road safely.
CP3 – Grass by the Bell Pub, Purleigh, CM36QJ – IMPORTANT – Please do not park in or near the pub car park as it’s very small and busy on Sudays, we will lose permission to have the CP there if you park in the car park. If you park in the car park or refuse to move if CP staff ask you to move, we will DQ your runner. Please park your car further down the road.
CP4 – The Star Inn, Steeple. If you are visiting this CP please do not use the pub car park as it gets busy on Sunday’s. Please use the road or the village hall car park opposite if its not being used for anything. We will lose permission if we block the car park.
The start and finish are both remote locations with little public transport, especially the finish.
You have the option on the entry form to book a minibus back to the start from the finish, the buses will leave at the following times on a first finished first served basis.
3:30pm, 6pm and 8:30pm.
Anyone finished after 8:30pm will be transported by race staff back to the start.
The bus will cost £15 and is non refundable as once we have booked them we can not claim refunds.

You can leave your car in the public car park at the start location for a small fee on a Sunday. Its pay and Display and should cost £6-£10 please bring change or use the App to book parking in advance. See photo below of parking sign for info.
Be aware prices for parking have gone up and it’s now between £6 and £10 for all day parking in these car parks by the start.
There are no indoor facilities along the route, All CP’s are outside.
Start – Toilets in the hall where registration takes place opposite the Car Park and a garage where you can get a coffee next door.
CP1 – The pub at this location will not be open yet.
CP2 – The pub here is closed now.
CP3 – This pub (The Bell) will be open but please think about patronising the bar if you go to use the toilet, and if you are muddy please try not to bring mud into the bar.
CP4 – This pub (The Star) will be open but please think about patronising the bar if you go to use the toilet, and if you are muddy please try not to bring mud into the bar. There are toilets in the adjoining campsite.
Finish– No toilets here. It’s nearly 1400 years old, indoor plumbing was not much of a thing then! There are bushes and a small wood nearby!
Route Info
Route general info
This is a great race, though it can be tough due to the uneven underfoot conditions with the possibility of lots of muddy tracks. We think it is one of the most varied and interesting routes in Essex.
The course, approximately 42 miles on trails, consists mostly footpaths and bridleways with some road/pavement sections through villages.
This is a very scenic route steeped in history, dating back to 653AD.
The route is waymarked but this race will require some basic navigation, by following maps you can print or by using the supplied .gpx file on a suitable watch or other device.
All runners can download and print maps if the if they choose. Please note we no longer provide maps as very few people took or used them and they are expensive to produce.
Below is a link to all the files to download for both Maps and GPX files.
Using all the information provided you should be able to navigate the route with no issues.
Each person will be fitted with a tracker from open tracking and a link provided for sharing with family and friends.
There will be sweepers on the route as an additional safety device.
Route details
The St Peter’s Way Route is a challenging route and not the easiest to navigate just on the markers alone, especially at night or in bad weather. We will provide all the information such as maps and a .gpx file that will be used during the race for download before the race so that you may recce the route and prepare for the race.
There are way markers on posts along the route but there are a few missing and some may be obscured by vegetation and others difficult to find especially when tired or in poor weather. You need to keep your wits about you.
The underfoot conditions range from short grass to very sticky mud and it can be difficult going. It’s not very hilly but it will be continually undulating. In wet weather it can be very very muddy and wet.
At certain points along the race route it will be neccessary to leave the official St Peter’s Way route. This is to avoid very difficult areas to navigate or issues with areas of land that are difficult to negotiate. These sections will be correct on the .gpx files.
We will also place .gpx files of each section here for you to download and view and save.
The GPX files are made from me running the route so will be correct and are updated and edited with Garmin Basecamp each year.
GPX File for the full route below, you can also choose to print a basic map.
Click “Learn more” to go to the download page for the route
Please note the final course info will be checked and the final gpx files uploaded by the Thursday before the race – We will email you when we have the final files available. The route below is the previous years route and will be suitable for planning and recce’s.
Leg 1 – 7.9 miles – Start to CP 1
Leg 2 – 7.9 miles – CP 1 to CP 2
Leg 3 – 9.6 miles – CP 2 to CP 3
Leg 4 – 8.6 miles – CP 3 to CP4
Leg 5 – 9 Miles – CP 4 to Finish
Tracking – The tracking link will be provided here before the race.
All our races have live results on our results page, as runners finish the race the finish time will go onto the live results page and will be emailed to the runners.
Kit List
We insist that all runners carry a minimum amount of kit. This is for your safety.
Compulsory items (in addition to whatever you are wearing at the start):
- Ability to carry 1ltr of fluids in bottles or a bladder.
- Spare food (minimum of a large choccy bar or 4 gels- 400Kcal)
- Waterproof jacket and trousers (not just windproof – must have fully taped seams, if you are not sure please ask us first.)
- Warm kit in case of poor weather – Spare long sleeve base layer carried with you in your pack (in addition to anything you are wearing to start the race.)
- Headtorch with a Minimum 100 lumens (even if you think you will finish in daylight).
- All runners must carry a charged mobile phone and provide us with the number on the entry form or registration for emergency communication.
Please be aware that kit can and will be be checked at any point before, during or at the finish of the race.
If you are found to be missing any of the above items, then the race director reserves the right to add time penalties or even disqualify a runner – even at the finish.
Kit is carried for your safety and it is fair to all if everyone is required to carry the same kit for all of the race.
Finish Bags
The finish is cold and can be wet and you may have to wait for a while for your lift or the bus leaving, you can leave a bag with us at the start to be transported to the finish with dry warm clothes.
Please label your bag clearly with your race number so we can find it easily.
The entry fee is £50. Plus any admin fee – No entries on the day.
Entries before the 1st of April get the discounted price of £40.
There will be the option this year to purchase an event hoody on entry – This will be collected at the end of the event and is an additional cost of £34.99 when you enter.
This year onwards T-Shirts and Buffs will be optional extra purchases. £10 for a T-Shirt and £7.50 for a Buff. These can only be ordered up to 3 weeks before the event, if you enter after Feb 1st you will not have this option as they take 3 weeks to order and arrive in time.
At least £2 of each entry is donated to the Chapel to help maintain this historic building (usually more).
To register for the St Peter’s Way Ultra, please enter on the Button below.
To see a list of entrants go to the entry page and click Participants
You Must be 18 or over on race day to enter this event.
Challenge Running will not provide refunds in any circumstances once you have entered, however you have the option to insure your race entry against illness, accidents, travel delays and other unforeseen circumstances. This will add an additional 10% to your race cost but will insure 100% of the entry fee up to and including the day of the race.
If you choose not to insure your race we will not provide any refund.
You will also be able to change your info, defer or transfer to another race we run up to 6 weeks before the race date. This can be self managed on the Eventrac entry system using your login or details provided on your confirmation email.
Please visit our policies page to see more details on this.
There will be sustainable Bamboo trophies for the 1st 3 male and female runners.
There may be spot prizes for other depending on what spare stuff we have around from sponsors.
All finishers get a medal plus optional T-Shirt or Neck Tube (at additional cost depending on what they order on entry.
Please note we are phasing out our metal medals and moving to a more eco friendly wooden version, this year we will have both versions and the older metal ones will be on a first come, first served basis.
Do I need to have completed any other races before?
Anyone entering this event should ideally have completed at least one marathon distance race previously and though we dont enforce this its a good benchmark to give you a realistic chance of completion. if you can run a marathon in around 6-7 hours you should be able to complete this event.
Can I run with my dog?
No sorry we are not allowed runners with dogs.
Can someone run sections or the course with me who is not in the race?
Pacers are not allowed.
Runners can only be accompanied on the course by other runners in the race. We don’t mind you jogging the last few metres into a checkpoint or running the first few metres out of a checkpoint, but you cannot run with anyone – this may result in disqualification at the finish. Yes, we know it’s a public footpath, but you cannot have unfair support and assistance.
If supporters are following you along the race thats great but please remember they are supporters and can not hand you spare kit or extra supplies above what you are carrying or can get at the checkpoints, its not fair to others who can’t access this support.
Checkpoints will report this and you may be disqualified or have a penalty applied.
Friends and family can pop into the checkpoints and support you including handing you food and drink if you don’t want the Checkpoint food, please do not arrange to have food or drink supplied to you on the course as this is considered outside assistance.
Compulsory kit and clothing and equipment you require for the event should be carried by you from the start of the race. At no point can supporters supply you with spare clothing, shoes or equipment as this is unfair to others who do not have support crews carrying stuff for them.
You can be penalised for receiving outside support including time penalties and DQ.
What kid of food will be on the checkpoints?
All checkpoints will have water, squash, coke and basic food such as fruit, cake, biscuits, sweets, snacks and anything I find on offer in Tesco on the day.
We are well known for our excellent checkpoints.
If you have a particular allergy we can’t guarantee food on the tables has not been handled by others. Don’t be afraid to ask for a new packet to be opened or carry what you need yourself. Please ensure you list allergies as a medical issue on the entry form and on the back of your number and we will try to cater for them.
What if I have to drop out?
If you need to stop it’s easiest if you do this at a CP where we can really look after you as it may take some time for us to get to you on the course. We will proritise first aid issues before collecting runners who are not uinjured. If someone else picks you up please call us on the number on the front of your race number and let us know. Otherwise we will be looking for you.
What If I get injured or there is an emergency?
There will be first aid qualified people working at the race, but for any life threatening emergency care please dial 999 then call the race director on 07809330900. For minor injuries phone the race director.
If it’s nice weather do I still need all the compulsory kit?
Yes, we can’t predict weather changes and how cold you may feel when tired so all the compulsory kit must be carried at all times. If you are checked at the finish and found to be missing any items you can be disqualified.
We know rules can be boring but they are here for your safety and our permit to run the race depends on us running the race within the rules.
Below are our own race rules in addition to the general rules:
No MP3 players etc. to be worn on road sections during the race for safety reason. If you wear one and can not hear marshals or traffic, this is your responsibility. There are many other users on the footpaths such as cyclists, walkers and other runners. Please ensure you can hear them and allow them to pass.
Please do not cut down your number. Display it on your front at all times – this is a safety rule also. Do NOT put it on your back, you will be asked to remove it and place on your front.
Please obey all instructions by marshals and checkpoint staff as they only have your safety in mind.
Please do not leave litter on the route and hand rubbish in to checkpoints as our permit may be at risk if any litter is found on the course.
If you drop out for any reason you must tell a marshal or phone the race director as we don’t want to be looking for you at the end of the race. After dropping out, if you can organise your own transport then please do so. If not, we will come and get you when we can but you may have a long wait if we are transporting others at the time.
You must make every effort to complete the whole route on foot, if you get lost you should navigate back onto the route directly and should not use an alternative route to get to a CP or the finish. This impacts safety if not followed as should something happen we will not be searching in the correct area. You risk disqualification if you do not make every effort to follow the route.
If you break any race rules then any decision by the race director is final.
Current Course Records
Male – Robert Barnes 05:12:59 – 2019
Female – Alice Hector 06:03:32 – 2020
Results both live and past are posted here, Results Page
There will be wooden trophies for the first 3 Male and Female runners in each race distance .
There may be some spot prizes are our discretion.
Earlier ones can be found via the link below – not added yet