The Thames Ring 250 is an iconic 250 mile trail race starting in Streatley-on-Thames and following an anti-clockwise loop East along the Thames, up the Grand Union Canal and back to the Thames via the Oxford canal before returning to the start in Streatley.
The route almost entirely on canal and riverside paths and relatively flat, though not as easy as you may think.
Runners have 100 hours (4 days 4 hours) to complete the run, navigating using maps, gpx files and being supported by checkpoints every 25 miles or so.
It’s an extremely tough run, testing runners endurance to the limit with many long hours with little sleep and dark nights.
The first race of this distance in the UK and for many years the longest non-stop race in Europe.
It may be flat but it’s not easy…

The Date for the 2025 race will be 23rd – 27th of April
Starting at 10am on the Wednesday and finishing by Sunday 2pm. 100 hours total.
Full entry info further down the page.
Timings and General Info
Below you should find all the information you need.
- Start Location – Goring-on-Thames / Streatley – Morrell Room
- Finish Location -Goring-on-Thames / Streatley – Morrell Room
- Date – Wednesday 23rd of April 2025 10am Start, Registration from 8:00am.
- Cut off – 100 hours for the whole event ( Individual cut offs at checkpoints – see CP list at bottom)
- Terrain – Mainly rural towpaths and footpaths with some stretches of urban areas
- Cost – £225-£275 which includes a Finishers Medal (If you finish). Discounts for early entry.
- Navigation – Maps of route provided as a free download so you can print or you can order waterproof copies on entry. Download Maps below. You will navigate using the provided maps and .GPX files.
- Tracking – All runners will tracked via GPS trackers and the link will be made available to all spectators and supporters.
- Facilities – There will be changing and toilets at the start and finish and at some checkpoints, there will be sleeping tents available after 75 miles and various hot and cold foods and drinks available at checkpoints.
- Drop/Resupply Bags – You will be permitted 1 drop bag of up to 20kg which will be transported to each CP for you. Please ensure stuff inside is protected from the weather, we will try to keep them dry but they may get wet. Overseas runners can have one additional bag which will not be accessible until the finish unless you drop out. Do not have anything hanging on the outside of the bag, everything must be inside the bag. Holdall’s are best with straps that can be thrown over a shoulder, hard suitcases are not suitable. Remember the case will be loaded and unloaded from the baggage van 10 times and the vans are only able to carry so much weight so overweight bags my be unloaded to reduce weight.
- Travel bags – If you are travelling from overseas then we will permit one small aircraft carry on sized bag which we will transport to the finish for you but will not be accessible to you before then unless you retire early.
- Support – No outside support is allowed during the race except at some checkpoint locations, Family and friends can only give you physical support at Checkpoint locations. Such as would be given by CP staff, assistance changing and eating and 1st aid but no other assistance can be provided. You must be self sufficient for food and Kit. Supporters bringing you food and drink or extra kit is unfair to the runners who don’t have this option. You have a drop bag you can bring spare stuff in. Please respect this as its part of the challenge of the race and if runners are to be found in breach of this rule they risk disqualification at any stage of the race. (Runners are allowed to purchase food from shops along the way)
- Pacers/Buddy Runners – No pacers or buddy runners are allowed. Apart from meeting someone at a checkpoint runners are not allowed to travel any distance with anyone other than another runner. Again please respect this as runners risk disqualification for breaching this rule.
- Compulsory Kit List – The below listed kit must be carried at all times during the race: See kit section below.
- Waterway Keys – In the past we would supply you with a waterway key for a deposit of £10. We now no longer supply keys but they can be bought online from places like Ebay and Amazon. Just search for “British Waterways/Canal and rivers Trust Key”. You will need this if you want to access water points marked on the maps on the Canals, there are few of these compared to the past but there are plenty of shops along the route if you plan well for purchasing food and drink as you pass through villages/towns during the day.
The entry fee for the 2025 race will be £275 (plus admin charges),
It includes tracking, food, medical support, baggage transportation and medal.
We have not increased the price in the last 2 years and for 2025 we have actually reduced it and made the printed maps and hoody and optional extra to keep prices as low as possible. If you enter early it’s still £1 per mile which is great value.
We do however offer big discounts for early entry which helps us get money in quickly so we can book venues and facilities early and we try to reward that early financial commitment with a large discount.
Entries before May 1st 2024 are only £225 – a £50 saving on full price
Entries Before June 1st 2024 are £250 – a £25 saving on full price
Entries after theses dates up till entries close are £275
You have the option to pay the race in instalments over 6 months to help out those who find it’s a large entry fee to pay at once.
You have the option to insure the race entry against illness or injury for an additional 10% of the total cost. This insures 100% of the entry fee if you can’t run due to a last minute illness, travel issue or other emergency. No refunds are issued by Challenge Running if you choose to not insure the race. (see our policies).
Please note you must be 18 or over to enter this race.
Only finishers will receive a finishers Medal. The medal will be huge! 130mm across and 10mm thick. Each Year a different colour is chosen for the optional hoody and other merchandise, the 2024 will be pink and the 2025 will be grey.
There will be an option on the entry form to order a T-Shirt and Buff should you want them at additional cost to match the design of the Hoody.
Entries will close on Monday the 7th of April 2025 so we can collate all the entries and plan the race effectively.
Qualifying Criteria
We have no specific criteria for entry as this is a challenge that has been completed by runners of all ages and speeds and previous performances. It’s also not been completed by some very good runners so we don’t set specific standards for entry, however we do suggest you have a good background in endurance events and are prepared to push yourself.
Cut Offs are Strictly enforced.
CP Locations
Checkpoint Locations and Timings Including Cut Offs and distances and minimum Pace requirements
CP Location info

Start/Finish Location – Morrell Rooms, Streatley-on-Thames, RG8 9JA
Facilities – Toilets, Changing, Indoor Space to sleep post race, Kitchen, Hot and Cold foods at the finish.
Spectators/Support – Yes, please do not park out front and park considerately locally.
Google Maps –
CP 1 Location – Hurleyford Farm, Hurley
Facilities – No Toilets, basic hot and cold foods.
Spectators/Support – No, unless collecting a runner you will not be allowed access to this location which is on private ground.
Google Maps –

CP 2 Location – Kingfisher Pub, Chertsey (CP in car park to rear)
Facilities – Toilets when pub is open (till 11pm), Basic hot and cold foods. Food in Pub.
Spectators/Support – No, there is no spare parking at this location. Please only visit if you are collecting a runner.
Google Maps –
CP 3 Location – Tesco Store, Yiewsley
Facilities – Toilets only when store opens at 7am, basic hot and cold foods. Sleeping tents. Superstore when open.
Spectators/Support – Yes but please use the car park spaces near the CP location.
Google Maps –

CP 4 Location – Rising Sun Pub, Berkhamsted
Facilities – Toilets, basic hot and cold foods, sleeping Tents. Basic Pub Sandwiches and bar food.
Spectators/Support – No, parking and access is very limited here please do not visit.
Google Maps –
CP 5 Location – Milton Keynes
Facilities – No toilets, Basic hot and cold foods, sleeping tents.
Spectators/Support – Yes there is a small car park near the CP and space on the access road.
Google Maps –

CP 6 Location – Nether Heyford Village Hall
Facilities – Toilets, Changing, indoor sleeping, proper cooked hot foods and basic cold foods.
Spectators/Support – Yes you can visit here but please park considerately in the village.
Google Maps –
CP 7 Location – The Wharf Inn, Fenny Compton, CV47 2FE
Facilities – Toilets on Campsite and in pub hen it’s open. Basic hot and cold foods, sleeping tents. Food in Pub.
Spectators/Support – Only during pub open times/Daytime. There is a campsite we dont want to disturb and people live in the Pub.
Google Maps –

CP 8 Location – King Georges Field, Community Centre, Lower Heyford, OX25 5PG
Facilities – Toilets, Changing, indoor sleeping, proper cooked hot foods and basic cold foods.
Spectators/Support – Yes but during day only as it’s a residential area.
Google Maps –
CP 9 Location – Abingdon, Hales Meadow,
Facilities – One pay per use public toilet, Basic hot and cold foods, sleeping tents. Food and Shops nearby.
Spectators/Support – Yes, please park in car park.
Google Maps –

Route, .GPX files and Maps
Start, Finish and the 2 indoor Checkpoints have toilets and indoor sleeping space.
The Majority of the outdoor Checkpoints are near pubs and will have the use of toilets when they are open, When closed there are plenty of bushes, shops, train stations and trees on the route or nearby to the CP’s.
The final CP9 has a contactless operated public toilet.
Tracking will be available and is included in the price with entry and you will be able to track a runner all the way through the event – Runners also have an emergency SOS button on the trackers.
For the race tracking page see button at top of page – This will only be live 1 week before the race.

Kit List
We keep the kit list as minimal as possible but require the below items to be carried at all times for safety and emergencies.
1 Litre of Fluids – You must have the ability to carry this as a minimum but we would advise more when shops may not be open such as late at night.
Full Waterproof cover – Thats top and Bottoms folks, must be waterproof not windproof. It’s for your safety. (taped seams)
Hat or Buff – Again for insurance against cold, hot or wet weather
Food – You must be self sufficient between checkpoints of about 25 miles apart which late in the race could take you 8+ hours to cover. You cannot rely on places to buy stuff especially at night please ensure you take enough with you – If we think you are not carrying enough we will insist you take more.
Mobile Phone – For Emergency, must have battery/charging facilities to last the full 4 days – Stay off twitter and Facebook etc unless you really know it will last and be there when you need it. If we know your phone is dead we will not let you leave a checkpoint until it is at least 50% charged.
Head Torch (minimum of 100 lumens) – Must be carried at all times so you can’t get caught out at night without it – Spare batteries to last the night are a good idea or a spare headtorch if you cant change the battery such as a rechargeable one.
Failure to abide by any of theses rules and you run the risk of disqualification and the RD’s decision is final.
Please look at the Frequently Asked Questions below and search the site BEFORE emailing silly questions such as “how do I enter” or “what flavour crisps will be at CP3”. No really that was a question!
Common FAQ’s
Is windproof sufficient in place of waterproof Jacket/Trousers?
No waterproof and with taped seams is the minimum standard that will be accepted, your kit will be checked at registration and you will not be allowed to run if you do not have one. Also if you do not carry it during the race you risk disqualification.
How strict are the cut offs?
The cut offs are very generous especially at the beginning and if you do not leave the checkpoint by cut off time you will be pulled from the race with the only exception being if you have stayed with an injured runner you will be given time to catch up by the next cut-off time.
If I want to sleep where will I sleep?
All checkpoints after CP3 will have 2 x 2 person pop up tents to allow runners a chance to sleep, you need to tell the staff when you want woken up and must leave before cut off time. You will use your own sleeping bags and only the tent and roll mat will be provided. CP’s at Nether Heyford and Lower Heyford have indoor space.
What food will be at checkpoints?
The food at various checkpoints will differ depending on distance and location and local facilities, as a minimum we will have fruit, nuts, water, coke, squash, biscuits, cold meats, sweets and chocolate. At most we will try to have hot drinks and soup and possibly basic hot food such as hot dogs and bacon butties or burgers.
For Vegetarian/Vegan runners we will have vegetable soup and possibly veggie sausages and other meat substitutes and tinned/fresh fruits etc.
We will have GF options if you have notified us of this dietary requirement but please bring your own if you are not sure we will have things to your liking.
We will be serving nuts and other foods that may affect some allergies and will try to not cross contaminate things but we cant stop other runners touching things and if an allergy is very serious please let us know and we can have unopened foods or you can supply your own.
You are of course allowed to purchase food along the way so I expect you wil not starve!
Can I have a crew or pacer?
No, under no circumstances can anyone other than another runner in the race run with you for any distance, any supporters you have in the race are more than welcome to cheer you on at any point but must not give you any physical assistance unless at a checkpoint.
Can I use Poles?
We used to have a no poles rule as we respected the original rules set down when the race was created in 2009, we have decided to change this from the 2024 race. I have no objection to poles and although I don’t think there is much need of them at this type of event I have no objections. However if you carry them in your drop bag until you need them they must be inside and not tied to the outside and you must be respectful of others when swinging them about. They may help a little in the mud.
Where can I leave my car during the event?
We would not recommend doing an event like this and then driving yourself home afterwards, you will be very tired and your muscles will not appreciate or probably not function very well for driving especially in the event of an emergency stop situation. It would be best to be dropped off and collected if at all possible. If you must drive and leave your car near the start please use the nearby train station there is limited local parking on residential streets.
Any additional event specific rules will be here – For general race rules see our rules page
Without the small army of volunteers who help out at our events, we would not be as successful at putting on great events. We would like to reward and recognise the dedication of those volunteers who come and make the runners’ experience a great one.
If you volunteer at our events you will earn 1 Volunteer Point (VP) for every 1 hour you give us of your valuable time, so if you worked 10 hours at a race you would earn 10 VPs. More details on the Volunteer Page
The Thames Ring event requires a large dedicated team over the 4 days and without that team the event would not exist.
Bellow are the timings and locations of the checkpoints with roles already allocated, take a look at them and then pop over to the Volunteer Page and fill in the form to let us know how you can help. You don’t have to be available for the whole shift at a CP and if you can do more than one CP or even all 4 days we would love your help.
We also need help before the start and at the finish.
If you volunteer for more than 24 hours total you will get an event Hoody the same as the runners, Less than 24 hours and we will give you an event T-Shirt or Buff.
We will cover transport cost’s such as Fuel or Train tickets and will reimburse you after the event upon sending in receipts up to a reasonable amount.
All race results can be seen on DUV via the below link.
All time finish times and data can be seen on DUV via the below link.
Media Links – Blogs
A radio documentary of the 1st ever TR250 in 2009.